Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Da Da Da

The title of this post is Quinten's favorite thing to say, over and over and over again. No "Ma ma ma ma" yet. I get no love. This is a lie, I stay home with the boys so I get plenty of love! He is 11 months old now and wants to walk around with his brother soooo bad! He is pulling up on everything and letting go every once in awhile. I can't believe it was almost a year ago that he blessed our family with his presence. They grow up too fast!

Garrett is on Spring Break right now from preschool but I don't think he has a clue. Not quite old enough yet to cherish those breaks from the weekly grind. He is growing like a weed and we are all wondering where his height is coming from! When you have a Dad who is 5'8" and a Momma who is 5' 2" it make people wonder! Must be from some older generations passed down through recessive genes. Needless to say, I've started buying clothes in the boys section of the store for my 4 yr old.

The biggest news in our little family right now is that we are building a house! We will hopefully break ground within the next two weeks. Carlos and I are gearing up for the task of picking out paint colors, brick, flooring, cabinets etc. We're hoping we can move into our new home in mid July! Here is a picture of our lot. Isn't a picture of grass and dirt exciting?!

And before I go... a picture of my Jayhawk babies!

1 comment:

Adam and Erin said...

Your boys are getting so BIG! I can't believe the babies are 1!!!! Congrats on the house.